Bathroom receptacles circuits (since 1975).In homes built to comply with the current National Electrical Code, GFCI protection is required for: The device is called a ground fault circuit interrupter, or GCFI. If a small device were installed in every home in the United States, more than two-thirds of all residential electrocutions could be prevented. When you change an existing outlet in any of the above listed locations.Wet bars within 6-foot of the sink (counter top level devices).

Unfinished basements (only one is required).Crawl spaces (where mechanical equipment is located).Accessible/ Able to walk up to or reach without a ladder Outdoors at grade level or accessible.Garages and grade level portion of unfinished accessory buildings or work areas.Where Are They Required in a Dwelling Unit The trip level-time combinations are based on physiological data established for avoiding injury to normal healthy persons. It limits the time that a current of given magnitude can flow. The GFCI does not limit the magnitude of the ground-fault current. With a current imbalance as low as 6 milliamperes, the GFCI will interrupt the circuit and this will be shown by a trip or 'off' indicator on the device. A portion of the current returns to the supply by some path other than the neutral wire. If the current in the neutral wire becomes less than the current in the 'hot' wire, a ground fault could exist. The GFCI sensing system continuously monitors the current balance in the ungrounded 'hot' conductor and the neutral conductor. GFCIs should be tested periodically to determine that they are working properly. Even with a GFCI, you might be shocked, but the GFCI limits your exposure to chock and helps protect against serious injury and electrocution. The GFCI interrupts power in a fraction of a second to prevent your receiving a lethal dose of electricity. If the current going into the circuit differs by even a small amount from that returning, the GFCI switches off power to that circuit. The GCFI constantly monitors electricity flowing in a circuit to sense any imbalance in the current. If your body provides the path to the ground for the leakage, you could be burned, severely shocked, or electrocuted. Ground faults occur when electrical current is "leaking" somewhere outside o the path where the current is suppose to flow. Want help with home repairs? Find out if one of these home warranty companies could be your solution.GFCI's are electrical devices designed to detect ground faults or stray current. There should be countertop receptacles installed so that no point along the counter is more than 2 ft.A kitchen must have two 20-amp circuits for countertop appliances.All countertop receptacle outlets must be protected by a GFCI device installed at the outlet or by GFCI circuit breakers.Press the test button the outlet should go dead.

Replace the cover plate, then check to make sure the GFCI is operating properly. Connect the bare wire to the grounding screw.